Freedom Eye Laser
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05 Sep 2019

Lions Recycle for Sight Program

Lions Recycle for Sight Program

“I now know more than ever how precious & freeing clear vision is and am so happy to be able to help someone in need as well.”

Many of our patients at Freedom Eye Laser have, over the years, had multiple pairs of glasses that they’ve kept around their house, work and car to ensure they’ve never been left without. 

But once they gain freedom from glasses, they’re not sure quite what to do with them. 

That’s why, at Freedom Eye Laser, we’re working with the Lions Recycle for Sight program, run by Lions Club Australia.  All second-hand glasses will go towards helping those in countries where glasses are not as accessible as they are in Australia.

“Over the 26 years that the Australian program has operated, the program has delivered over 7 million pair of refurbished quality spectacles to men, women and children in need in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Indian Sub-continent, East Asia, and the Far East, China, the countries of the Pacific Rim and Southern Asia and Oceania.” – Lions Club Australia.

So if you’re no longer in need of your glasses, just bring them into Freedom Eye Laser and we’ll add them to our collection box, or get in touch with Lions Australia to find a collection point near you.